The Annual Dinner of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union will be held on 5/3/2015 at the Chinese Restaurant in HKUST. This year we are honored to have HKUST President Tony Chan, Representatives of different School Offices and Professors as our guests. This is a great opportunity for our members to interact with the school authority so as to have a better understanding of the operation of the University. Don't hesitate, Join us now!
一年一度香港科技大學學生會週年晚宴將於2015年3月5日假科大南北小廚舉行,當日嘉賓有香港科技大學陳繁昌校長,其他學校部門代表以及教授們出席!絕對係一個良好機會予同學多些了解學校的架構及與校方進行討論! 機會難得,報名從速!